Oh it is another early morning for a homeschool Momma. I have put my kids in public school for the summer because Zack and I are unsure of how the fall will play out. We have a two mile long (more like two pages but who is counting) list of things that will start in full swing in August. I just added another item to the list, bass guitar lessons. So we put our never-been-schooled-by-anyone-else 2nd and K kids in public institutions. The hardest transition is getting out of bed before 8. Everything else is under control.
This morning however, was a catastrophe for my Bugsa. She doesn't bend well with change and if this change doesn't have her Mommy near it, she wants nothing to do with that huge event (everything is huge to a kid). So today, after breakfast, she tears up and shoots her bottom lip out as far as it could stretch. Any further and a jet plane could have landed there. I just shake my head and say, "Bugsa, why such a sad face?" She tells me that they have a new teacher today and tomorrow and she doesn't know her and what if I don't like her, and what if she doesn't like me and la di da di da. She gave me a list longer than her entire self why she can't go to school if a new teacher is there. Still holding her in my arms I calmly (but not feeling it) say, "I am sure this new teacher will be fine." She spouts back at me, "You HAVE TO COME AND SEE FOR ME." And out of this a great idea was born. I wrote a note on a small piece of paper "Mommy Loves Bugsa!" I folded it in half after reading it to her and put it in her pocket. I explained that now she can take me to school and face any new changes that come her way because on that little piece of paper is a whole lotta mommy love. She now has a Mommy in her pocket. She chuckled, then laughed a good few minutes. Well of course Beans and Bubba needed a Mommy in their pockets too. I made a few up and tucked them away in their pocket. Then my Bubba says, " Mommy, we have you in our pocket and Jesus in our hearts. We can do anything." My heart swelled with love and joy I just wanted to jump up and down and hug this smart little fellow. I just kissed his cheek instead. The whole morning thereafter was something like this. "We are going to school with Mommy in our Pocket and Jesus in our hearts." That sentence was followed by every other sentence they said. It brought so many laughs and took the edge off. We have a dead squirrel in front of our home. Beans said that the squirrel didn't have a Mommy in it's pocket and Jesus in it's heart. Lainey told him that squirrels don't have pockets. This started a laughing fit that lasted all the way to school. Now if I make it through the day without a call from the school stating my kids started a Mommy/Jesus/pocket riot, I consider this success for a very scared and unbending little girl. Thank you Jesus!
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